Bridport Cohousing is the largest, all affordable cohousing scheme in the UK and will provide a mixed tenure intergenerational neighbourhood of eco homes (1 bed flats and 2,3,and 4 bed houses) for 53 households. We started moving into our new homes at Hazelmead in September 2022.
It’s the start of summer 2023, and so far we have most of our 53 affordable homes with happy residents installed, leaving our 2 apartment blocks and 4 of the 2 bed homes earmarked for NHS renters to be finished off and occupied. All homes are expected to be fully occupied by autumn this year.
The houses are beautiful – light, spacious and well insulated to passive haus standard. Front gardens are now being planted up with flowers, and the large community beds behind all the houses have been planted up with vegetables for sharing later in the year. We have planted a community orchard and are starting work on our common house this summer, using a radical approach – see our website for details
Our focus has been to get quality housing built for local people who struggle to find affordable homes to rent and buy in this very desirable town. We use Sociocracy as our governance tool and have training in NVC, as we work hard to create a cohesive neighbourhood. An intergenerational group of very diverse people, we are a happy bunch living in a very beautiful location, not far from the sea on the Jurassic Coast of England.