Cambridge Cohousing Marmalade Lane

CB4 2ZE, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom

Postal Address
9 Marmalade Lane
Orchard Park

Year started
Number of over 18s
Number of under 18s
Ideological focus
Legal structure
company limited by shares
Open in principle to new members
Charge visitors
Work in Lieu

As a cohousing development, Marmalade Lane is a real community – a place to know and be friends with your neighbours. And as well as energy-efficient, architect-designed modern homes, residents benefit from extensive shared facilities and a large shared garden. Cohousing is a way of life in which residents not only get to know their neighbours and enjoy a real sense of community, but jointly manage their living environment together.  As well as their own private home, each resident household benefits from shared spaces and facilities that enrich the living experience and encourage a more social way of life. As a cohousing development, Marmalade Lane is the product of an innovative design process involving enabling developer TOWN and architects Mole, in which members of K1 Cohousing, drawn from all ages and backgrounds, have been involved from the outset.  All residents are members of Cambridge Cohousing Ltd and contribute to the management of the community.  Residents comes from all ages and walks of life and includes families with young children, retired couples and young professionals.

See the full directory of UK communities in our classic book!

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Cambridge Cohousing Marmalade Lane is currently looking for new members

 Currently (January 2022) we have two 1-bed apartments available to buy. One is ground floor with garden and one 2nd floor with lovely views over the community. Please contact for more details. We hold a waiting list for when homes become available to buy or rent and post on our facebook page CambridgeK1CoHousingProject.

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Cambridge Cohousing Marmalade Lane is currently looking for volunteers

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